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An appeal to Probasi members, visitors

You are all aware of the grim news that is coming out of India in the last 2 months during the second wave of the COVID 19 pandemic.  There is a severe shortage of medicines, vaccines, oxygen, medical supplies, and hospital beds. The peak is yet to come in West Bengal which is already ravaged, now speeding to rural areas which were untouched during the first wave.


The authorities of Ramakrishna Mission, Belur Math have decided to start a 50 bed safe home with oxygen facilities, for asymptomatic and mild COVID + patients.  the safe home will be set up in a polytechnic school run by RK Mission. This will run for 6 months.


Patients testing positive are advised to isolate but many live in small houses where isolation is impossible, putting other family members at risk. The safe home will be free of cost and will cater to all eligible patients of nearby localities.  


Vivekananda philanthropic study and philanthropic society of new work is a registered nonprofit organization in the US that has been working in West Bengal and Bangladesh for the last 25 years in close association with Ramakrishna Mission. The request to help Belur Math came to us via this organization who is helping to coordinate the transfer of funds to Belur Math.


Probasi of Charlotte agreed to donate $1000 from their fund for this cause but we appeal to all Probasi members to open their hearts and donate to help Belur RK Mission to carry out this much-needed work.


Please make your IRS Tax Deductible Contribution to our Vivekananda Study & Philanthropic Center of New York, USA:


Check payable to:


Vivekananda Study & Philanthropic Center of NY

172-05 Highland Ave, Jamaica Estates, NY 11432




Via Bank Transfer thru Zelle using our Cell Phone ID: 917-620-2014




Via PayPal or Credit card:


We request you to mention 'Probasi of Charlotte' in the memo or comment section


Preferred options are via Zelle or check as there is no fee.

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